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Questions updated March 9, 2025
"Hello! I just want students to understand that this is likely the best PMI-PBA product available for taking practice exams. These PMTraining practice exams allowed me to identify areas of weakness and gave me confidence in my studies. The Domain Area benchmarking is something I have not seen in other exam prep tools and was very helpful. I was able to pass the real PMI-PBA exam on my first attempt."
"I cleared the PMI-PBA exam on my initial attempt. Before sitting for the real PMI-PBA exam I took PMTraining practice exams each day for a few weeks and thoroughly read through the explanations in the test summaries. PMTraining clearly showed me the Domain Areas where I was weakest so I spent extra time studying them to improve my knowledge. This study plan was idea with me, and I coupled it with PMTraining's self paced course. I felt very prepared taking the exam."
"I cannot thank you enough for creating this PMI-PBA exam prep tool! I passed the PMI-PBA exam on my first attempt. I actually will continue using the PMI-PBA questions to brush up on my knowledge as the PMTraining system clearly shows my weakest Domain Areas. I am a very happy customer!"
"This is the best set of PMI-PBA practice material out there. Every answer had clear explanations and page references that really helped me learn the PMI-PBA exam material. PMTraining’s system was very helpful, it enabled me to track my progress as well as Domain Areas in which I have to focus more. Some of the questions were very close to the actual exam questions. I was able to earn my PMI-PBA - Thank you."
"From all my studying, I found these PMI-PBA tests by PMTraining to be one of the biggest factors in passing the exam on my first attempt. I was able to get comfortable under the time pressure, and PMTraining's personal charts clearly showed me the PMI-PBA Domain Area where I needed to improve. The different metrics and reports really gave me great insight into where I should study more, allowing me to strengthen my knowledge in all the Domains. I personally used the custom exam tool to formulate tests that met my time constraints. I am very happy with this product."
"Many thanks to the PMTraining team for creating a practice exam product that include questions with same feel as the real PMI-PBA exam. I was unfamiliar with this format and was able to pass by using these practice questions. I highly recommend PMTraining's PMI-PBA practice exams."
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