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Premier Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute®
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Questions updated March 10, 2025
"I passed with "above target" in 6 categories, and on target in the 7th category. This product really helped prepare me for the test."
"In my view, mock exams are an essential build to prepare effectively for the PMI certification exams. There are about 1000 questions in this suite, which are broken down into multiple 'mock exam' sets of 40 questions. Excellent analytics allow you to view your results across the knowledge domains and identify those areas of strength and weakness. The form of the PMTraining questions provide a good preparation for what you will experience in the actual ACP exam."
"Very good exam questions. I PASSED."
"I passed the PMI-ACP exam yesterday, I used the PMTraining simulator to prepare for the exam, it's without any doubt the best on the market."
"Great platform with access to lots of test questions! I really liked the training mode feature, which definitely contributed to me increasing my scores on the practice tests."
"These tests are extremely helpful to check your knowledge and readiness for the PMP-ACP exam. I have used PMTraining for my PMP and PMP-ACP exams, and passed both of them with no problem!"
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